Aster alpinus

Grow in moderately fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Good air circulation helps reduce incidence of foliar diseases. This astercool summer temperatures, and may struggle in the hot and humid St.

Mature Height, tall. Bloom Time, Late spring to early summer. Soil Type, Low Fertility Soil, Well-Drained Soil.

Alpine aster is a dwarf perennial from European Alps with some subspecies occurring in North America where it is considered endangered. It produces single stem flowers from late spring until early summer. Happy End is a pink flowering variety of Alpine aster with double quantity of ray florets and yellow . Dunkle Schöne is a German variety of Alpine aster commonly known in English speaking markets as Dark Beauty. Leaves are light to mid green, narrowly lanceolate and form a nice clump. Dwarf Michaelmas Daisies.

Six each of Dark Beauty Purple, White Beauty Classic. Bright flowers from July onwards. It forms a low carpet of bright green leaves, bearing taller branching stems with daisy-shaped flow.

Start flower seeds and grow enough for a neighbor! This plant produces a stunning flower display in spring. Flowers have purple petals and yellow centers with green-gray foliage. Like most herbaceous perennials, on a non-irrigated green roof, this plant can be susceptible to severe drought. It will benefit from a deeper soil profile or where the green roof media . Stems erect, simple, sparsely to densely villous, sparsely to moderately minutely stipitate glandular.

Rozšíření: Druh s cirkumpolárním rozšířením, vyskytuje se v . Grundständige Blätter länglich-spatelförmig bis lanzettlich, in einen Stiel verschmälert, ganzrandig, stumpf. Stängelblätter schmal-lanzettlich, sitzend. The large, single, rich pink flowers – with yellow centres – are borne on short stems above a slowly spreading mound of grey-green leaves.

Looks great on a bank, in between paving or along the edge of a path where it is covered with . Aster alpinus Linnaeus, Sp. Ideally placed in gravel and rock gardens. Hardy perennial with brilliant violet-red flowers on straight, long stems.

Show All Show Tabs alpine aster. Native Status: AK N CAN N LN. ASTER ALPINUS SEEDS (Alpine aster) – Plant World Seeds.

This lovely yellow- eye blue alpine daisy grows in alpine meadows and is often seen tucked between rocks on high mountains. Completely hardy and slow-growing, it makes a valuable addition to any enthusiasts rock garden.

Source: The PLANTS Database, database ( version .4). Notes: National Plant Data Center, NRCS, USDA.