Cmake install example

Specify rules to run at install time. Rules specified by calls to this command within a source directory are executed in order during installation. The order across directories is not defined.

There are multiple signatures for this command. Many of these topics have been introduced in Mastering CMake as separate issues but seeing how they all work together in an example project can be very helpful.

For the application the following lines are added to the top level CMakeLists. Some of them define installation options for files and targets. In addition to all the old functionality, this command also provides a way to install.

TARGETS myapp DESTINATION bin). Thats all we need to be able to build our app with any of the available generators. You can group installation targets into components, for example docs, libs, runtime, etc.

The advantage of this example is that it is auto generated. It is only needed to change the project name.

Install 64-bit libraries into the correct directories on all platforms (be it libor gnu -linux-x86_). Be transitively linkable with nothing more than target_link_libraries() in the SAME CMake build. So we have a library consisting of . For example , when CMake runs, it locates include files, libraries, and executables, and may encounter optional build directives. The beauty of CMake is that after you create a simple CMakeLists.

CMake needs to be told at configure time where to install VisIt when you want to perform an installation. You can do this by defining CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX on the cmake command line. Passing CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and setting . Introduce the CMake INSTALL command.

Demonstrate how to install the libdsui library to a specfic destination. After completing this example: The user will have the knowledge to create the CMake source file that will produce the . YOUR_LIB_SOURCES libsrc1. To build your library add this command to your CMakeLists.

Run the installer and follow its steps. Be sure to add CMake to the system PATH so that you can use it from the command line. Add it for the current or all users as appropriate.

This provides both the cmake.