Litacka praha english

Thanks for your kind understanding. The Litacka Prague travel card ( Litacka sounds like “litachka”) is designed to be used by adults for periods of between one month and one year. It can also be purchased for children who have had their 6th birthday but who are not yet and in this case it allows free travel.

It is not designed for short stay . The tariffs for the Prague city area are divided into Zones P and (in total, there are tariff zones for the Prague area). Zone P has a doubled tariff value and Zone is divided into Zones and B – the border stops zone.

The lack of ease when it comes to payment has long been a complaint by many Prague public transport users who find the current system of fumbling with tickets and cards a hassle. If you still have Opencar you can check its validity here. Adriany Krnáčové na dostihovém závodišti v . Passengers would no longer have to carry a plastic card with them to use public transportation, Prague Mayor Adriana Krnáčová said at a news . Information about the fare and the tariff in the Prague Integrated Transport (PID).

Lítačka je připravena vstoupit do škol. Short-term and season tickets, discounts for children, students and seniors. Tariff calculator of ticket prices.

Operátor ICT is a joint-stock company that was formed by renaming the company Operátor OPENCAR a. Articles of Association by a single founder, namely the Capital City of Prague in accordance with provisions § and § 2of the . Nostalgická linka číslo 2 která nabízí nevšední pohled na historickou Prahu z legendárních sedaček tramvaje Tslaví 1⃣. Nostalgic line number 2 which offers a remarkable view of the historical threshold from the legendary seats of tram tcelebrates 1 . Opencard is a municipal smart card system in Prague, Czech Republic. Při standardní době vydání už budou ceny poloviční, nejlevněji by pak mělo vyjít objednání karty přes internet. Online objednání bude také jediná cesta, jak si . Pražané tedy nebudou muset informace na webu vyhledávat.

Jednoduše se zeptají na to, . Pro tento název se v průzkumu vyslovilo 5procenta lidí. Proti návrhu se v uplynulých týdnech ozvala řada lidí, zvláště na sociálních sítích . Pokud potřebujete časovou jízdenku pro ježdění po Praze , máte zatím dvě možnosti. Buďto si můžete pořídit papírový kupón Pražské integrované dopravy nebo elektronickou kartu, tzv. Od včerejšího dne, tedy od 7. Stávající centrum na rohu ulic .