The KUBERG Young Rider series offers fun, quality, electric dirt bikes designed to teach kids how to ride with ease. Suitable for ages to 12. KUBERG Motorcycles – 1 electric dirt bikes for kids and adults. Designed by enthusiasts for maximum power, agility and fun.
There are three settings to choose from that allows the child to gradually increase the power as their riding skill . KUBERG START Electric Mini Trials Bike Intro Test Ride and Review – Duration: 1:52.
He is already off and running! Now in Australia, view the complete range on the Steve Cramer Products website. Commencer la pratique de la moto au plus jeune âge est désormais possible avec les mini-motos KUBERG Start.
Met een zadelhoogte van 40cm en een gewicht van 20kg is de Start ontwikkeld voor rijders van tot jaar. Deze kwalitatieve motorfiets is uitgerust met een volledig beschermd batterij compartiment, kettingbescherming en snelheidsbegrenzer die. Give your child the thrill of motorcycle riding without the noise and danger. As one of the very first electric motorcycle manufacturers, we set out to make electric dirt bikes as good as they . This small motorcycle was designed with versatility in mind and is also fairly easy to maneuver thanks to its compact .