We will have more information on the . But unlike its predecessor, it goes even further in terms of winter performance, ensuring an excellent level of traction on snow. Many drivers are unable or unwilling to . CrossClimate offers the benefits of a summer tyre as well as the braking performance and traction of a cold-weather tyre. The new range of tyres will gradually replace the CrossClimate – which broke new ground when it launched two years ago as the first winter-certified summer tyre and won the Van Fleet World Innovation . Arm yourself for every weather condition.
The summer tyre with winter certification. In fact, it calls the CrossClimate a summer tyre with winter capability. Otóż opona poszczycić się może jeszcze dłuższą trwałością i odpornością na zużycie.
CROSSCLIMATE PLUS tyre as more and more people began to appreciate the real benefits of using it. As sales across Ireland and the UK increased by. Nice pic of tyre – inside!
The CrossClimate is claimed to have the performance of a summer tyre in warm conditions, plus of a winter tyres performance during traction and braking tests on snow and . De CrossClimate plus behoudt zijn winterse eigenschappen naarmate de band slijt beter dan zijn voorganger.