OT- Morpho is a global leader in digital security, identification technologies, biometrics and identity solutions for an increasingly digital and connected world. OT- Morpho contributes to managing identities, protecting borders, detecting threats, ensuring law enforcement and providing trusted on-line transactions and services. At its secure site in Haarlem , with a production and development center and sales office, the personalization department delivers services for several millions of biometric passports, national ID cards, driver licenses, smart cards for photo IDs as well payment and other . Located in the middle of Europe in Ostrava, Czech, more than 2highly-skilled employees provide a comprehensive product and service portfolio incl.
French multinational company, specialized in security and identity solutions. Morpho fingerprint identification technology has proven the most accurate for 1-verification, according to the latest test from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
MorphoTrak, led a dozen other biometric technology vendors in the latest . The Chilean government is currently modernizing . The readers integrate with. Leading us into the future.