Etics and emics are abstract concepts that are useful to researchers. Etics are universal behaviors Examples of etics are marriage, concepts of intelligence, time, the education of children, and stress. Essay: Using relevant examples explain etics and emics. Emic and etic concepts are often utilized to address the multiple issues of “culture” and “universal”.
For instance, what is consistence among cultures may vary and thus researches must establish emit and ethic concepts.
Although emics and etics are sometimes regarded as inherently in conflict and one can be preferred to the exclusion of the other, the complementarity of emic and etic approaches to anthropological research has been widely recognize especially in the areas of interest concerning the characteristics of human nature as . Goal 1: Testing existing theories. When developing a psychological theory, most authors will assume that their theory is generally vali even universal, and this without any empirical test. This was true of Piaget, although he paid some lip service to . Some anthropologists may take this approach to avoid altering the culture that they are studying by direct . An emic view, for example , will enable you to explain all the nuances of finding a spouse in Pakistan, or how U. Bartlett explains: Swazi culture revolves around the possession and care of cattle and thus .
Explain, using examples , emic and etic concepts. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Explain (8) – Detailed account including reasons or causes. Using one or more examples , explain “ emic ” and “etic” concepts. Etic – Cross-culture approach.
Tackles culture with one general approach. It discovers the universals or etics of human behaviour and how they cause human behaviour. This approach has been used extensively in cross cultural studies, in such cases theories developed in one particular culture, usually western, are tested cross . Boas, Sapir, Whorf, and others worried and whose avoidance seemed one of the key motivations for emic analysis in the first place. Adding to this, researchers using the emic approach seek to start with almost a blank slate. In other words, they try to put away their preconceived notions about what culture should look like and simply learn from the cultures they are observing.
For example , when a Western researcher observes a young tribesman being . The Tabassum Interview ( emic example ) A. An emic approach involves studying humans within their . View Test Prep – Soc Emic etic from PHIL 0at BYU. Emics are culture-specific behavior.
An outsider to the culture can learn an emic perspective, but it takes both time and the suspension of ethnocentrism. Obtaining an emic view of another culture is a central goal of doing . Use examples to explain the emic and etic concepts. To start with, it should be noted that emics and etics are inseparable in the dominant twentieth-century frameworks. In a Durkheimian anthropology, for example , the two are tied together because social structure is reflected in the symbolic forms of myth and religion. Likewise, the homologies of Lévi-Straussian structuralism . Subsequently, cross-cultural and intercultural psychology have adopted the two terms to refer to universal cultural phenomena ( etics ) and culture-specific phenomena ( emics ). Emic research studies one culture alone to understand culture-specific behavior.
Researchers attempt to study behavior through the eyes of the people who live in that culture. The way the phenomenon is linked to the culture (structure) and the meaning it has in this.