CLIMAVER is a self-supporting duct easy to assemble. In a single operation insulated duct is obtained. U Protect Black facing for fire protection.
Fire protection of metal duct is the best way to ensure fire safety of both ventilation and smoke extraction ducts in building. ISOVER offers solutions with ULTIMATE mineral wool that provides fire resistance to metal ductwork while meeting thermal and .
Pipe and Metal ductwork. Reasons to thermally insulate pipework and ductwork. Fuel conservation – To reduce heat loss from pipework and ductwork. All hot pipework will normally need insulating. Operating temperatures are typically 60°C for domestic and non- domestic.
There are two grades of Duct Slab and a single, high performance grade of Duct Wrap. ISOVER Multi-Purpose Duct Slab is suitable for use with all types of rectangular ductwork. ISOVER High Performance Duct Slab is suitable where an extra firm substrate is required for subsequent coverings.
High levels of thermal and acoustic performance. Meets all UK thermal building regulations and offers energy savings. Completely fire safe – Totally non-combustible.
Durable with consistent density and thickness. No soft edges and excellent compression . See our wide range of insulation supplies available for free del. Free delivery on orders over £100. M x 13Ideal for insulating and noise attenuation of ventilation duct systems and air conditioning. Pre-insulated ductwork systems.
Insulation of metal ductwork. We offer innovative and sustainable solutions for all technical markets. Isover High Performance Duct Wrap. Ductwrap is a thermal insulation blanket specifically designed to wrap around air conditioning ducts.
Manufactured from high quality, non-combustible Glasswool, bonded with an inert thermo setting resin binder and faced with a reinforced foil. A 100mm overlapping flange is provided on one side for a neater appearance . ISOVER Ductwrap solutions come in the form of blankets specifically designed to be wrapped around air conditioning ducts. Kanavaeriste CLIMCOVER TUBE Alu(ent.
KIM-AL- DUCT ) on kourumainen sujutettava kanavaeriste pientalojen iv-kanavien lämmön- ja kondenssieristyksiin.
Pehmeällä AL-laminaattipintaisella eristeellä voidaan kanavat eristää ennen niiden asentamista paikoilleen, mikä nopeuttaa työtä huomattavasti. The Euroclass Arepresents the best possible classification for a duct – board and for insulated metallic ducts. ISOVER AND THE EUROCLASSES develops products that facilitate a simple and qualified assembly and fulfil the maximum qualities: thermal, acoustic, and fire protection. Provides a homogeneous system of interlocking sections to form a rigid air handling duct system. Boards are transported flat and assembled on site.
Variations and modifications can be dealt with on site. Lightweight and easy to install. Excellent reduction of airbourne sound transmission and equipment noise.
Operating Cost Axial temperature decrease of the medium (pips, duct ) Decrease of temperature over time (no wall) Calculation U-R.