
Durable geo-synthetic barrier made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Hydro-insulation sheet manufactured of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), available in two basic roll widths: 5. JUNIFOL HDPE is manufactured in two roll widths – 5. The main purpose of the product is to serve as a barrier protecting various engineering structures against moisture, water, liquids and chemical substances . Povrch fólie může být hladký, jednostranně nebo oboustranně .

Junifol PEHD geosynthetic barriers. Contact the manufacturer directly to receive a quote. Netkané Tkané geotextilie, Hrydroizolační fólie, Nopové fólie , Protierozní mříže, drenážního potrubí. V nemalé míře se s nimi můžeme setk. Materiál je odolný voči chemikáliám, roztokom zása kyselín a solí.

Takisto je odolný voči plesniam, mikroorganizmom a prerastaniu koreňov a nemá vplyv na zmenu kvality pitnej vody. Je odolný voči plesniam, mikroorganizmom a prerastaniu koreňov. Taktiež nemá vplyv na zmenu kvality pitnej vody.

Ochrana staveb proti radonu z podloží. Program zajištění kvality. Níže uvedené aplikační návody nenahrazují projektovou . Geomembrane is made of high density polyethylene (PE-HD). It is not attacked by mildew and bacteria, withstands alkaline and acid medium.

It does not affect characters of drinking water. Joining is provided by hot wedge or extrusion . They are used to protect a wide range of civil engineering structures against attack from moisture, water, liquids, chemical substances and gases . TECHNISCHE DATA manufactured by. Kvalitní stavební materiály pro střechy, fasády a izolace od největšího prodejce stavebních materiálů v ČR.

The directory of Lithuanian companies. Wholesale of other intermediate products. Only a few additives are being used in order to secure long-lasting high quality properties of the product even in the most demanding environments and applications – carbon black, thermo-stabilizers, or – in some . Geo NETEX A PP UVLS Non-woven Geotextile – Polypropylene non-woven geotextile.

With this Covenant, issued in accordance with the Kiwa Regulations for Certification, Kiwa declares that legitimate confidence exists that the products supplied by.