Lítačka prague

Get an overview of your account or extend my validity from the comfort of your home. And there are other advantages too. Questions and or.

The Litacka Prague travel card (Litacka sounds like “litachka”) is designed to be used by adults for periods of between one month and one year. It can also be purchased for children who have had their 6th birthday but who are not yet and in this case it allows free travel. It is not designed for short stay .

The tariffs for the Prague city area are divided into Zones P and (in total, there are tariff zones for the Prague area). Zone P has a doubled tariff value and Zone is divided into Zones and B – the border stops zone. Systém je oproti svému předchůdci výrazně levnější a funguje bez potíží. Od léta budou mít navíc cestující další možnosti, jak za jízdné v hromadné dopravě platit.

The city is also gradually expanding its functions. The card may also start to be used as school . Lítačka rozšiřuje své využití. Forget about the ticket machines and standing there trying to figure out the minutes and fumbling with your change.

Information about the fare and the tariff in the Prague Integrated Transport (PID). Short-term and season tickets, discounts for children, students and seniors. Season ticket used with the PID pass. However, a couple of months ago Prague city council announced the end of . Magistrát hlavního města Prahy jako nosič časových jízdenek (kupónů) pro Pražskou integrovanou dopravu místo stávajících karet Opencard.

Provozovatelem systému pro výdej karet je městská akciová společnost Operátor ICT, systém na vydávání karet . The lack of ease when it comes to payment has long been a complaint by many Prague public transport users who find the current system of fumbling with tickets and cards a hassle. Karta na pražskou MHD nahrazující Opencard. Getting around Prague by public transport is comfortable, convenient and efficient.

It will get you pretty much anywhere in the capital without having to waste any time in traffic jams. In addition, Prague public transport is affordable, particularly if you use it regularly and purchase what locals call a “ litacka ” . Ta má určovat směr modernizace veřejného prostoru hlavního města a Pražané se mohou těšit na mnoho novinek. Praha bude opět o něco málo chytřejší.

Unlike paper coupons, it enables the purchase of tickets on-line. Tickets for Prague public transport, from minutes to days. Short-term tickets for Prague public transport (metro, trams, buses, …) can be acquired in the following way.

During the fall, the ICT operator pushes the supplier into a new mobile application which will change the way passengers buy and check transportation fare. A další novinka je již také na cestě.

Bot toho prozatím moc neumí a zvládá především odpovídat na sadu dotazů. Od příštího roku přibude funkcí více. S námi přechod na novou kartu zvládnete hravě a bez problémů.

Library card of Municipal Library of Prague. Types of cards (fotografií 4) .