Meteor install dependencies

However, some Atmosphere packages will expect that you have installed certain “peer” npm dependencies in your application. Typically the package will warn you if . Only changes to the specified dependency configuration files would trigger the re -run. To avoid an unnecessary re-run when meteor run starts, . In theory this is very easy, because you could just run npm install PACKAGENAME in your project directory. However, this would of course mess up meteor , which will try to interpret the new files as meteor files.

Instea you have two options: install in a super directory (they will be found): cd. Meteor create my-app taking forever installing npm. Now you can run meteor directly from the checkout (if you did not build the dependency bundle above, this will take a few moments to download a pre-build version).

NPM packages that the current application is dependent on in production. For our example here, we want this list to contain github , moment , and chalk. If we omit this while installing , our packages will be installed. You can use npm or yarn to install your dependencies. To get started with Pup, clone a copy to your local machine using Git.

Once the project has downloade cd into the directory and run meteor npm install. Make sure to do this before starting the server or you will get errors when you boot up. Notice that here, we default . To install the package, use meteor add : meteor add react- meteor -data. Meteor application, open it in WebStorm, configure Meteor in it, and download the required dependencies as described in Downloading Meteor dependencies below. This package exports a symbol . Note that there are no npm packages installed by default in the Travis CI environment, your dependencies are downloaded and installed during each build.

The following before_install script installs the . Getting started with Meteor. After you have installed Meteor , you can easily create a new project by running the following command in your terminal:. Most of these dependencies are Javascript libraries, managed by npm. Add the package (and implicit dependencies ) that you want to add to your offline project.

At this point you need to head over to your Meteor installation directory e. In this document we will use as reference a TODO App developed using Meteor. Otherwise you can skip the step above and download the app here.